Wednesday, September 29, 2010

There can be only one.

Brewery: Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
Location: Milton, DE
Name: Immort Ale
Type: Strong Ale
This, my friends, is the beer version of "the Quickening." It's a decent reference if you don't know what I'm talking about. Immort pours velvety smooth, like liquified chocolate. The glass filled quickly with a dark, honey gold color that would make Midas himself happy. To give a better reference point, the color of the beer matched that of a beer bottle with slightly higher yellow hues. Bad for other immortals, this beer lost its head super early. In fact, it was barely there to begin with. I blame this massive amount of alcohol this beast carries, 11.0% for those keeping score at home. Staying true to what the label says, you will pick up mild hints of vanilla and maple. The nose is that of sweet, syrupy malt laced with dark, tart fruit; similar to that of a barelywine. Your first step will leave you confused and wanting more. I, being the consummate beer journalist that I am, dove in for another mouthful...and another... You do get some vanilla right up front and then blasting through like a bull is a nutty taste. Once you get past the tang there's a wonderful finish consisting of roasted malt and burnt caramel. Making a late showing is the maple...a nice little treat at the end! There isn't a whole lot going on in the carbonation department, but what little it has plays nicely with the flavor profile. Dogfish Head does work! Immort Ale is definitely a masterpiece worth investing in. In fact, I'm willing to bet that this tastes better than anything Picasso ever painted.


  1. Uh that Picasso painting I ate in Spain was pretty damn good. But I'll take your word for it.

  2. Heading to my fav shop this evening and looking out for this one. I hope to get that nice woozy feeling after I had just 1 12oz beer!
