Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A bountiful haul!

Brewery: Souther Tier Brewing Co.
Location:  Lakewood, NY
Name: Harvest
Type: ESB (Extra Special/Strong Bitter)
Initially I was skeptical about enjoying this beer. I didn't like the description that was given to it on the card at the beer store, however, at Tessa's behest I picked it up. I am glad that I did! This was the first ESB I've ever had and I assumed it to be an American Pale Ale due to the massive amounts of hops. What I discovered has left me wanting more! Harvest pours out a slick honey and copper color which produced a massive, egg shell colored head. Lacing began instantly as the head melted back into the glass. My mouth watered almost instantly as I stuck my nose into the bouquet. Holy hops! I got notes of both pine and citrus immediately and further digging produced a sneaky scent of sweet malt. This blended together rather nicely. 12 ounces of pure flavor then attacked my palate. Pine and apricot with a touch of floral showed up to the party first and then immediately at the door behind them was their caramel friend. Earthy tastes showed up. All of that left behind a bitterly hop filled aftertaste. I could drink a lot of this. A lot. It has a great mouthfeel with an adequate amount of carbonation. Each drink left me wanting another and I was disappointed to finish this one off.

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